How would you respond to the ceos requests

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Reference no: EM132750675

Question: You are the Human Resources Manager for a healthcare organization that employs personal support workers to provide personal care to seniors living in their homes. Some of the care includes bathing patients, assisting them with dressing, cleaning, and making meals. Many of the patients are in wheel chairs and require assistance with transfers. The organization has had a number of Workplace Safety and Insurance (WSIB) Claims because employees have hurt their backs transferring patients from their wheel chairs into their beds. The CEO is very concerned about the increased cost to WSIB premiums due to the recent increase in claims. He asks you to create physical test to for all existing and new employees regardless of the work the employees perform for the organization. Most of the employees are personal support workers but the organization also has some administrative staff and managers. How would you respond to the CEO's requests? Ensure to discuss the law(s) that apply.

Reference no: EM132750675

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