How would you respond to charge

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132411612

Socrates & Plato

Topic :

Suppose Meletus overheard the discussion in the Crito and went to Plato''s Socrates saying "In your discussion with Crito you indicated you were able to propose and defend substantive theses you claimed to know whether escape would be just, that it is never right to return a wrong for a wrong, and you claimed to know what sort of life is worth living. In making such claims you show you do not really believe that human wisdom amounts to little. That is, you lied during the trial when you professed ignorance. It seems to me your sentence is just!"

How would you respond to this charge? Is Plato''s Socrates inconsistent or contradictory? Can Plato''s Socrates both claim to be ignorant and to know moral truths?

The paper should be a minimum of 3 typewritten pages in MLA format using Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced.

When you quote from your book, please make sure to use the correct MLA citation format. Remember to create a Works Cited page and list all sources you quote in the paper.

Reference no: EM132411612

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