How would you protect the employee and company

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132315146

Business Law and Ethical Behavior - 03 Case Study

Instructions: Use the following case study in the written assignment.

Sandra is a bright and educated 45-year-old woman who is the current head of human resources in a rather large company. She began with the company out of high school at age 18 and has worked her way up through the addition of a bachelor's degree and master's degree to the current position she holds.

On Thursday afternoon, Sandra learns that her company is considering bringing back an employee from years ago that she had a sexual harassment encounter with, with her being the victim of said encounter. Days after the encounter he put in his two weeks' notice and left the company for undisclosed reasons. Sandra never mentioned the incident to anyone, putting it behind her since he left the company.

As Sandra looks over his resume to assess whether or not to recommend him as a hire, it is clear that he has the skills to turn around the floundering, yet key, division of the company and no one else even comes close experience and skill wise. What should she do?

Consider the hypothetical scenario presented to you here.

For this scenario you will assume the role of Sandra, the current head of human resources for a large company. Remember the HR department is there to protect both the business and the employees simultaneously.

In a 2-4 page paper explain the following ideas:

How would you react to this situation given your position in the company?

How would you protect the employee?

How would you protect the company?

What are the final determinations set forth by your HR department given the situation?

Your reactions to this scenario should be based primarily off of the flow of the graphic organizer presented in the lecture material. The organizer acts as a flow chart to guide you on your path to an ethical outcome. Therefore, please keep the organizer in mind as you respond to the previous four questions.

Reference no: EM132315146

Questions Cloud

Applied within business managerial setting : When the brief is completed and in paragraph or two discuss how the legal concepts in the selected case can be applied within a business managerial setting.
Degree in order to increase your chances for promotion : You have returned to college to earn a Bachelor's degree in order to increase your chances for a promotion. You are nearly finished with your degree,
Your project performance via earned value management : Examine how you manage your project performance via earned value management. Identify at least three key EVM metrics you will use for your project.
Identifies several aspects of nissan response : Identifies several aspects of Nissan response that were particularly beneficial. What could Nissan have done to assess risk of disruption in their supply chain?
How would you protect the employee and company : How would you react to this situation given your position in the company? How would you protect the employee? How would you protect the company?
Toolscorp corporation is fictitious company : ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located in Tennessee.
Research and describe the six rights of the consumer : Research and describe the six rights of the consumer. Provide a detailed analysis of each right and illustrate the importance.
Legal reporting requirement : Legal Reporting Requirement. Most U.S. states have enacted mandatory reporting laws, which require the reporting of specified injuries and wounds and in some ca
Describe how organizations can overcome the geographic : Describe how organizations can overcome the geographic, cultural, and language challenges when seeking potential overseas suppliers. Give specific examples.


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