How would you measure the different forms of debt

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131210939

For this assignment, you will write a three to four page research paper in which you describe the different types of credit used by your manufacturing company. In this paper, please address the following questions:

• What types of credit does the company use and how are they managed? How would you measure the different forms of debt?

• What types of credit does the company extend to individuals and businesses and how are these managed? How would you measure the different forms of credit?

• How does the company's level of debt and credit compare to other companies within the industry?

• What changes would you recommend? How could the company improve either its debt policies, credit policies, or both?


Review the APA Citation Online Guide for assistance with citing sources using APA format.

• Be sure to include an introductory paragraph at the beginning and a concluding paragraph at the end of your paper.

• Because your paper is required to be more than one page in length, you should use subject headings to label your paper as appropriate.


Reference no: EM131210939

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