How would you implement your government and services

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Reference no: EM133591896

Assignment: American State and Local Politics

For this journal, you are going to build your own government!

Imagine that a privately-owned island off the coast of Florida has been left to you by the eccentric owner who recently died. The island is large enough for several small communities to be developed.

Create a name for your new island, and reflect on the following questions:

Question 1. How would you develop your island government? What are the important foundational elements?

Question 2. What type of local government, judicial and law enforcement systems, and other services you would establish?

Question 3. How would you implement your government and services?

Question 4. Would you have a strong or weak mayor?

Question 5. Would there be a council or commission? How many would serve, and what might be the length of their terms?

Question 6. How would taxes support your island, and how would they be collected?

Consider all you have learned in this course as you build your island. You can mix and match your government, judicial, and law enforcement decisions, but you must fully explain the reasons why you chose the types of systems. You must also address how your government would work with other governments/agencies and in what ways. You can pull concepts from previous readings in this course (not just those assigned in this unit) to develop this journal entry.

Reference no: EM133591896

Questions Cloud

What would be your priority objectives of managing inventory : You are the inventory manager of a firm dealing in dairy products. State what would be your priority objectives of managing the inventory of dairy products.
Design the solar powered charging station : Design the solar powered charging station with the solar powered smart grid in the remote area - fast charging of the car. we can choose any electric vehicle
Identify the states election and campaign processes : Create a PowerPoint presentation identifying the state's election and campaign processes, summarizing party politics and influences in the state.
What do you think are the three most important qualities : What do you think are the three most important qualities or skills a governor needs to possess in order to be successful in that position?
How would you implement your government and services : How would you develop your island government? What are the important foundational elements? How would you implement your government and services?
Analyze the decision-making process of your city or county : POL 2302- Analyze the decision-making process of your city or county (parish/borough) council or commission meeting.
Explain how gross domestic product is calculated : Explain how gross domestic product is calculated using the income approach and the expenditure approach.
Describe what is held constant along consumption function : Explain what the consumption function shows and describe what is held constant along the consumption function.
Create a report for the industry detailing the impacts of us : Create a report for the industry you selected detailing the impacts of the United States/China trade war. This report should address the topics.


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