Reference no: EM13322271
1) Your perspective: Rank the external environment dimensions (Binder 1: Figure 1-2) in order of importance/challenging from 1st
(most important) - 7th
(least important) and elaborate on the contents of each one. Then, select the top three and defend your reasons for ranking them as such
(1st -3rd). Why are they the most important environmental challenges to overcome?
2) "Transformational changes seek more than a short-term alteration in behavior. In order to support strategic behaviors need to be sustainable and adaptive to shifts in the external environment."
Do you agree or disagree that the US government is seeking a transformational change in how its citizens seek and receive healthcare? Explain.
How can the US government motivate its citizens and regulatory agencies to be on board with the changes to ensure its implementation? What resistance to this change exist and why? You may review outside forces for this question, please cite your sources.
3) Textbook Exhibit 2-3, Spector p. 32: A Congruence Model of Effectiveness
Select one or more bullet points per dimension (for example: Internal Context-Business model, one external environment-labor market shifts and one pattern of employee behavior- process of interaction among employees) and elaborate on how they are connected to achieve organizational effectiveness. The above is an example and you should select any three that you believe are correlated in a healthcare reform example.
4) How would you identify the healthcare reform changes: process-driven, content driven or task-aligned driven? Explain and defend your position.