How would you identify the functional dependencies

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131311427 , Length: word count:600

The use of an Access database has become very common over the last 10 years. Access is the preferred desktop database because server databases such as structured query language (SQL) and others are too complex and are better to house data for an entire organization. Discuss the following:

Explain why SQL or Access is better suited for an entire organization.

When trying to design a database, how would you identify the functional dependencies associated with a relational database?

Identify at least 5 relevant concepts that are specific business and industry needs.

Dimensional modeling is related to normalization of data. Discuss the following:

List 8 factors that would be important to customer identification using the dimensional model.

Explain why data should be consistent among customers.

400-600 words with at least 2 references APA format

Reference no: EM131311427

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