How would you identify and recruit participants

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13219755

Make a formal proposal for your research. you will practice creating a portion of such a proposal by drafting .Using your work in this week and in previous weeks, propose a qualitative study, addressing the following:

Formulate relevant research questions and hypotheses.

Can your idea be tested with any of the various types of experimental designs? Why or why not?

What is your design? Why have you chosen that design?

What is your target population? How would you identify and recruit participants?

What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research question(s)/hypotheses?

How consistent are these data collection methods with methods used in existing research on your topic? Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?

How would you ensure quality and reliability of the data?

How might you analyze the data?

What are the target audiences for your findings?

Reference no: EM13219755

Questions Cloud

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Why is relevant to debate over whether something should done : As Malcolm Gladwell points out in his article "High Prices," increases in drug spending are more the result of increases in drug utilization then in increases in drug prices. Why is this relevant to the debate over whether something should be done..
How would you identify and recruit participants : What is your design and why have you chosen that design and what is your target population? How would you identify and recruit participants?
What are some other practical applications : What are some other practical applications you see fit for such models? Justify your answers with examples and reasoning.
Explain systems failure to better capitalize on opportunitie : Describe the opportunities that might be available through better use of information technology (IT) in the U.S. health care system. What might explain the system's failure to better capitalize on these opportunities
Assume the sequence numbers are properly sized : What suggestions would you make to your colleague to fix the protocol? Assume the sequence numbers are properly sized.
Explain aqueous hcl evolved a gas : Treatment of 1.385 g of an unknown metal M with an excess of aqueous HCl evolved a gas that was found to have a volume of 382.6 mL at 20.0 C and 755 mm Hg pressure.


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