How would you handle situation

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Reference no: EM133307525

Question: In you classroom of 25 students, you have 13 girls and 12 boys. Throughout the year, you place students in groups to work together on projects and assignments. You mix the groups by gender and other factors such as ethnicity and academic ability. About half way through the school year, a girl, Alicia, comes to you after the other students are out of the room. She seems nervous and anxious about talking to you. Alicia is a good student and has not caused any problems during the year. She tells you that she needs to moved out of the group with Thomas. When you ask her why, she is hesitant to talk but finally starts telling you that he is harassing her during group time. She says that the other students just sit there, not really sure what to do or say. His remarks have gotten more provacative in recent weeks and he is now starting to come up to Alicia at lunchtime and other times during the day. She tells you that she hasn't talked to anyone because she is afraid if Thomas finds out, he will make the situation worse.

How would you handle this situation?

Reference no: EM133307525

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