Reference no: EM131042100
EMC plays an increasingly important part in the design of electronic products and systems. Your task is to discuss the techniques and ‘good practice' used in the design of various parts of a complex electronic product (system) to increase the chances of the final system becoming compliant to the EMC directive. How would you ensure that the system was designed and installed to ensure electromagnetic compatibility?
If after this recommended design process the system failed to meet the EMC standard/s you had chosen, what other techniques would you recommend to correct any system problems?
System Overview:
Modern hospitals use significant electrical power and there are increasing numbers of sophisticated electronic devices present within the environment to make it safe and fit for purpose.
The environment must be protected from a wide variety of electrical noise, as this could seriously affect the performance and reliability of the equipment, this could lead to health and safety issues. There are also sensitive sensors and transducers used along with a large number of personal electronic communication devices used by staff as well as patients and visitors.
There are also areas for consideration like permitting access to certain locations, fire and evacuation arrangements and lighting etc that could be effected by failure of safety systems.
The assignment should concentrate on the following system elements and could be broken into four distinct areas, each focussed on the EMC issues likely to be present-
1. Sub system
A summary of the hospital environment as it relates to EMC.
2. Sub system
The control of access and emergency evacuation issues.
3. Sub system Safety critical systems.
4. System design issues
Recognition of good EMC system design.
Criteria for assessment(Marking break down)
1 Application of good EMC design rules for the system
2 Evidence of system analysis and interpretation of potential EMC issues.
3 Evaluation of potential solutions to system EMC related faults.
4 Use of EDRA to evaluate technical recommendations, clearly expressed in the report as a conclusion.