How would you determine the level of risk

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Reference no: EM133520297

Case Study

Phillip is a 25 year-old who was removed from his family at the age of 7 because of severe physical abuse and neglect. Phillip lived with his grandparents until age 13, when he ran away due to sexual abuse over 3 years by a friend of his grandfather. His grandfather refused to believe Phillip when he disclosed, and gave him a severe beating for 'lying'. Phillip's grandmother is frightened of her husband, but has secretary maintained contact with Phillip and gives him money when she can. Phillip has mostly lived on the street since then. He has used a variety of drugs to cope, and has worked as a sex worker to finance his drug habit. Last week he was beaten up by a client who refused to pay, and was also diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Phillip has been coming to the drop-in centre for homeless people where you have worked for some months, and you have a fairly good relationship with him. Today he has presented saying he has come to say goodbye: he cannot see the point of living any more.

Please help with Phillip to:

a) Develop a safety plan for each person according to your organisation's requirements

b) Discuss how you would address trauma issues in relation to each person by answering the questions below.

Your safety plan must include:

· Resources and strategies to minimise the risk of suicide, and

· Any other services and/or individuals who could form part of the plan.

Question 1. What coping resources and strategies would you collaboratively develop with the Phillip to minimise the risk of suicide?

Question 2. What other services and/or individuals could form part of the safety plan?

Question 3. What are the risk factors and possible triggers for suicide for Phillip?

Question 4. How would you determine the level of risk?

Question 5. How would you respond to the Phillips suicidal thinking?

Question 6. How would you respond to disclosures of trauma by Phillip?

Question 7. How would you ensure that you do not re-traumatise Phillip in your interview?

Reference no: EM133520297

Questions Cloud

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