How would you describe your cultural background

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Reference no: EM131702956

Prepare a paper on Texas government.

This written assignment is designed to help you connect what you learn in the classroom to what you could accomplish in the real world. In addition, it is an assignment to help you think about your writing skills as required under Mountain View College's guidelines for core learning objectives.

This paper will consist of four REQUIRED written components. Each of these parts should be roughly one-half page in length. In addition, you can (but are not required to) have an introduction and a conclusion. This means that the body of the paper should be 3-4 pages in length.

If the paper is shorter than 3 pages or longer than 4 pages points will be deducted. The paper should be written in the order that is listed in this assignment.

Content Requirements

1. After learning about Reflective Democracy across the United States it is time to learn about how it affects you. Begin by examining yourself and your surrounding community.

How would you describe your cultural background? How would you describe the cultural background of your Senator from the Texas Senate? How would you describe the cultural background of the district that he or she represents (and that you are a part of)?

Compare and contrast the culture of the district to the culture of your Texas Senator. Compare and contrast the culture of your Texas Senator and your culture. Compare and contrast your culture with the culture of the district that you live. Where do you see the greatest differences between cultures?

What are some advantages and disadvantages of these cultural differences? How would you work to bridge the divide between cultures? (SR 1)

2. Find a policy issue that your Texas Senator has taken a stand on. Explain that issue in detail. Once you have explained the issue, provide information on where your Texas Senator stands on the issue. Where do you stand on the issue?

What do you believe should be done? What might be another alternative solution? Thinking about your ideas on the issue who might object to your viewpoint and what might their objections be?

Once you've laid out their objections, respond to them, and explain, with logic, why your perspective is correct and your opponents' objections are mistaken. (PR 1 and PR 2)

3. Now that you have officially staked out a policy position, you need to think about how to get it put into action. Who in the government, and who in your community, do you believe should be involved?

What specific actions should you (and those in the community) take? Why is it important to get your community involved and what will be the benefits of activating people to the cause? (SR 2)

4. Let's assume that you are successful in your efforts, and you achieve your policy goal. What do you believe will be the consequences of putting this policy into practice?

How far reaching do you think the consequences will be for your community? Your state? Your country? What do you think will be the effects over the short term? Over the long term? Be sure to mention both positive and negative consequences that might result? (PR 3)

Communication Requirements
While is it important to have all the required information listed in the "Content Requirements," it also crucial to communicate clearly. The following aspects of your communication skills will also be graded.

A. Make sure you communicate clearly with the reader. Assume that the reader knows nothing about the subject. (WC 1)

B. This is a paper about the government. Government has its own vocabulary. Make sure that the terminology that you use is correct in the context of your paper. If you're not sure about the meaning of government related terms, your textbook can be a good guide. (WC 2)

C. Make sure that you follow the structure and order of the paper as listed in this assignment. (WC 3)

D. Many parts of your paper require information from outside sources (meaning - "not you"). Make sure that you give proper credit to where you obtained the information. An example for how to do this will be found later in these directions (WC 4)

E. Use proper grammar. Follow standard rules for writing. (WC 5)

Paper Structure
The paper should be typed with 12-point font, double-spaced and should have one-inch margins on all sides of every page. No title page is required, but list your name and the title on the first page. Any other information you give in a heading will not count toward the length of the paper. All parts of the paper should be stapled together at the top left corner.

Attachment:- Outline.rar

Verified Expert

In this task major governmental aspect has been maintained towards Texas government and the implication of the new policy from the end of senator in the community. In this regard, 4 questions have been answered. Cultural diversity and its impact has been discussed along with the suggestive reflection towards the advantage and disadvantage of the policy generation. The task has been done on the MS Word.

Reference no: EM131702956

Questions Cloud

Establish market use to strengthen the business models : What kinds of strategies might a detergent manufacturer seeking to bring out new products in an established market use to strengthen their business models?
Standard deviation of group of scores : Using the numbers above, determine the range, interquartile range, and standard deviation of this group of scores (measures of variability).
Discuss team wanted to know why game attendance was low : The new owner of the Atlanta Falcons football team wanted to know why game attendance was low. Former purchasers of season tickets
Explain one way the company you researched : Explain one way the company you researched could increase its level of value-creating diversification. Provide specific examples to support your response.
How would you describe your cultural background : What are some advantages and disadvantages of these cultural differences? How would you work to bridge the divide between cultures?
Standard of conduct may be established by legislation : Sometimes the reasonable person standard of conduct may be established by legislation.
Reports of vandalism on a local golf course : Late on the night of August 13, police responded to reports of vandalism on a local golf course. Golf carts were stolen, then driven around the course
Describe the different kinds of competitive strategies : Break up into groups of three to five people and discuss the following scenario. Appoint one group member as a spokesperson who will communicate your findings.
How to maintain the integrity of the data being stored : How to maintain the integrity of the data being stored" is always an area of concern



11/2/2017 4:48:47 AM

Grading Standards – Other Requirements - If you meet with an instructor at the writing center after 6th(or do not go to the writing center at all), 30 points will be deducted. - If you meet with an instructor at the writing center between the dates of 31st and 6th, 15 points will be deducted. - If your paper is turned in online after the deadline, 10 points will be deducted -Students caught plagiarizing will receive an automatic score of 30. This paper is worth a minimum of 30 points (if it is at least three pages long and on topic).


11/2/2017 4:48:37 AM

Grading Standardards - Grammar Each of the following will count off one point apiece: - Incorrect Capitalization - Incorrect use of Lower Case - Not Separating/Indenting a Paragraph - Misspelled Word - Incorrect word choice - Words in the wrong order - Missing word Each of the following will count off three points apiece: - An Incomplete Sentence - A Run-On Sentence. - An Awkward Sentence (A sentence that is difficult for me to understand). - A Confusing Sentence (A sentence that I don’t understand what it is saying).


11/2/2017 4:48:28 AM

In addition, you must turn in the paper ONLINE by Midnight on 13th. Only the paper you turn in during class will be graded. The online version is only for school records and should not have your name on it. -This paper’s main body has four sections – For each section that is not included in the paper, 30 points will be deducted. - If the requirements of a section are not completely addressed, 10 points will be deducted. - For every section that does not meet the one half-page minimum standard, 10 points will be deducted. - If I find the information presented in a section to be unclear or confusing, 10 points will be deducted. (A maximum of 30 points will be deducted per section). -For each direction that is given in the assignment but is ignored by the student, 5 points will be deducted. -For every fourth of a page that the report is short of threefull pages, 5points will be deducted (up to 20 points per page).


11/2/2017 4:48:13 AM

This my paper of Texas government. I have attached paper format and a outline for that paper. some information can be taken from outline. Please read the paper format and main 4 question. A hard copy of the paper is due IN CLASS on 13th. In addition, before you turn in the paper, you must take it to be reviewed at the Writing Center (located in room W114). You must discuss your paper with the instructors at the writing center. Please keep the paperwork associated with the meeting and staple it to the end of your paper. This paperwork MUST INCLUDE your name, the tutor’s name, what was discussed, and the date that you met. You must meet with a tutor at the writing center by October 30th for full credit OR before 6th for half credit. If you wait until the last day to go to the writing center, they most likely will not have time to meet with you and you will not receive ANY credit. So, go as early as possible, and try to make an appointment ahead of time. This will also give you more time to make the changes that they suggest.

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