How would you describe your consulting style

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133830163

Homework: Human Resources

Pretend you are a D & I Consultant and you are in contention for an important contract with a prospective Fortune 500 client. Describe how you would respond to the following questions that are typically asked by client organizations as they are in search of the best DEI consultant fit for their respective consultant opportunity. Instructions: In preparation of your responses to the posed questions, watch the assigned videos and read the provided article links included below. Additionally, it is expected you will conduct your own research related to these topics to provide complete and thorough answers you would use in an actual interview for a DEI consultant opportunity.

Consider the most important DEI consultant competencies:

• Change Management,
• Diversity, Inclusion, and the Global Perspective,
• Business Acumen,
• Strategic External Relations,
• Integrity,
• Visionary Strategic Leadership, and
• HR Competencies.

Questions for this Homework: Top 10 Interview Questions When Vetting DEI Consultants

A. Describe your theoretical framework and methodology. Framework: a. Social Justice b. Organizational Development c. Psycho-Social d. Change Management. How? e. Strategies.

B. What do you enjoy about this DEI work?

C. What values drive your DEI work?

D. How does "data" fit within your consulting approach/methodology?

E. How do you measure success? How will we know that your work with us was impactful?

F. Explain your rationale for the engagement timeline that you recommend.

G. How would you describe your consulting style?

H. What would you say that you specialize in when it comes to your DEI work?

I. One of our organization's DEI issues is that our workforce demographics are not reflective the clients we serve. What would you recommend as a viable DEI strategy to solve this problem?

J. Describe a client challenge you have helped overcome. What tools, strategies, and approaches aided you in successfully handling that challenge?

Reference no: EM133830163

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