How would you describe way vision was use at mentor graphics

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Reference no: EM13807570


1. How would you describe the way vision was used at Mentor Graphics?

2. Did it strengthen or weaken the company? How? Why?

3. Of the reasons covered in this chapter relating to why visions may fail which ones are applicable to Mentor Graphics?

4. Discuss issues of vision content, context, and pro¬cess in how vision was introduced and changed at the company. What emerges from this?

5. Based on what happened in this company, what are the implications in terms of the three debates about vision discussed in this chapter (whether vision drives change or emerges during change, whether vision helps or hinders change, and whether vision is an attribute of heroic leaders or heroic organizations)?

6. Of the six change images outlined in Table 9.1, which images of vision can be applied to this case study? Mat lessons emerge from this?

Reference no: EM13807570

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