How would you deploy the domain controllers

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131504651



1. You are an administrator responsible for deploying 340 clients running Windows 8.1. These clients contain a mix of mobile computers and desktop computers, 32-bit computers and 64-bit computers. They will be distributed throughout a campus of three buildings and five subnets. Each subnet starts from a single DHCP server located on the server subnet. You have a newly installed WDS server (located on the server subnet) used to deploy Windows. You also have several older computers that do not support PXE. How many images do you need to deploy Windows to these clients and why do you need each of these images?

2. You are an administrator for the Contoso Corporation. You have 15 Microsoft Hyper-V hosts and 8 VMware ESX servers. You want to manage all your hosts and virtual management using one centralized environment. You also need to deploy five more Microsoft Hyper-V hosts, which need to follow the standardized environment. What would you recommend, and how would you proceed?

3. What are the three methods that provide a redundant/highly available DHCP solution? Discuss the pros and cons of each method. Of these three methods, which would you recommend if you don't have many IP addresses to lease?

4. You are an administrator for a corporation that has 1,500 client computers running Windows 7 and Windows 8. You need to ensure that Windows Firewall is enabled for all users and that each machine has the same standardized firewall rules. How can you accomplish this?

5. You are a new administrator with the Contoso Corporation. You discover that you have one forest with five domains. Currently, you have 5,000 users spread out between 10 cities throughout the United States. How would you determine the best way to organize your forest/domains?

6. You are an administrator for the Contoso Corporation. You have three large sites each consisting of 500 to 1,000 users. Of these, the corporate office has the majority of application services, such as Microsoft Exchange and SQL servers. You also have 20 smaller sites consisting of 25 to 50 users each. How would you deploy the domain controllers? How would you configure them?

7. You have 10 computers running Windows 8 at a branch office. After setting up BranchCache in distributed mode, you notice they are still using the slow WAN link to attempt to access files/folders. Is that a typical operation? If not, what could be causing it?

Reference no: EM131504651

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