How would you boot the system and begin forensic analysis

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Reference no: EM131559521



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1. A supervisor has brought to your office a confiscated computer that was allegedly used to view inappropriate material. He has asked you to look for evidence to support this allegation. Because you work for a small company, you do not have an extra computer you can dedicate to your analysis. How would you boot the system and begin forensic analysis? Provide a reason for your method.

2. You have been asked by management to secure the laptop computer of an individual who was just dismissed from the company under unfavorable circumstances. Pretend that your own computer is the laptop that has been secured. Make the first entry in your log book and describe how you would start this incident off correctly by properly protecting and securing the evidence.

Reference no: EM131559521

Questions Cloud

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How would you boot the system and begin forensic analysis : How would you boot the system and begin forensic analysis? Provide a reason for your method. Content :Answered all questions correctly.
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