How would you address these issues in connection with

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133521542

Case Study: Riverside Community Hospital ("RCH"), a not for profit corporation that is tax-exempt and affiliated with the Catholic church, wants to expand its women's services and is considering the acquisition of Women Now, a local OB/GYN physician practice.

Women Now is comprised of 10 physicians, representing approximately 20% of the OB/GYN physicians in the community. RCH already employs 6 OB/GYN physicians. The Women Now physicians perform some reproductive procedures (e.g., tubal ligation, vasectomies) that are not performed within RCH, in light of its religious affiliation.

In some preliminary discussions with RCH, Women Now has disclosed the fact that it has been put on notice of a Medicare audit of certain of its claims, and may have a repayment obligation.

Questions: Answer these questions:

  • Describe at least two issues in the proposed arrangement that could affect the timing of the acquisition.
  • How would you address these issues in connection with the negotiation and drafting of a purchase agreement?


Reference no: EM133521542

Questions Cloud

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Why your chosen population should be the recipient : In order to serve all those in need in times of shrinking funds develop a case as to why your chosen population should be the recipient of available funding.
How would you address these issues in connection with : Describe at least two issues in the proposed arrangement that could affect the timing of the acquisition. How would you address these issues in connection
One long dysfunctional family story : Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Give at least two examples to support your view. Only refer to the first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible
What is corroborating information what role does it play : What is corroborating information? What role does it play in a client interview? Name the different ways we seek information in an interview that can be used
Explain what professional practices you would do differently : Describe some of the professional practices demonstrated in the video. Explain what professional practices you would do differently.
Assess the effectiveness of your recruitment sources : Has anyone ever assessed the effectiveness of your recruitment sources? What were the results of that assessment?


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