How would this therapeutic approach influence

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Reference no: EM133587200

Case Study: You are a solo hospital social worker employed at the Heathstone rural hospital, Victoria. The population of Heathstone is 4000. You have only recently moved to the village and started the position.

On Monday morning, you receive a referral to contact Georgina Crain in room 2 on the general ward.

The note from the nurse who made the referral states that Georgina was teary and looked like she needed "someone to talk to". There were no more details about whether Georgina asked to speak with a social worker.

The medical file notes that Georgina is 78 years old and was admitted to the hospital on Saturday after experiencing a fall on her property, where she was found unconscious by her son Ben. Ben is her next of kin and also has power of attorney and enduring guardianship.

On your way to see Georgina, you recall the one time you met her outside of the local supermarket. She was very lovely to talk with and happy that someone new had moved to Heathstone. She did not really understand what a social worker did but liked the sound of your work.

You knock on the door and Georgina responds, "Come in". Georgina is sitting up in the bed, and her son Ben is on a chair near the window.

After introducing yourself and explaining your role, Georgina agrees to an initial conversation and invites you to sit on a spare chair that is nearby. Georgina does not seem to remember who you are, which is perhaps not surprising seeing that you have only met once. Ben asks if he can stay, and Georgina responds, "So long as you don't say anything."

You speak with Georgina about the referral and ask some open questions to get to know her.

After checking that you are not a medical doctor, Georgina starts to share some of her concerns with you. Georgina says that she is keen to be discharged as soon as possible so she can return home. She does not like hospitals and some of the medical staff, while pleasant, ask too many intrusive questions. They never seem to leave her alone, which she finds increasingly annoying. Some seem to speak to her like she is a child.

As the conversation unfolds, Georgina says she has always been a physically fit woman and independent. Although, she admits that she is surprised she had such a fall, as nothing like that has ever occurred before. Regardless, Georgina is confident this was a one-time incident and there is no need for all of this fuss.

Georgina agrees to see you again tomorrow, after she has some further medical tests. She says that you are lovely and the first person to really listen to her and take her concerns seriously.

As you go to leave, Ben follows you out of the door and once you are both out of ear shot, he asks if he can have a quick chat with you alone. You find a quiet place around the corner. Ben shares some of his concerns about Georgina's health. He tells you that he supports an assessment by the allied health team but has not been able to convince his mother to agree to one yet.

Ben tells you that he has noticed a number of changes in Georgina's health that concerns him, especially after losing Judy. Her memory has not been as good in recent months, where she often forgets the names of people she has known for many years or where to find things in the house.

Sometimes when they talk, she seems to struggle with the flow of the conversation. Ben also says that despite what Georgina says, he has been doing an increasing amount of cleaning and shopping for his Mum. He appreciates she values being independent, but he believes she may not notice the small changes that have been happening over the last year and that she might need more help. All of the children have tried to convince Georgina to sell the property and move into the local retirement village, so she can be closer to local amenities. However, Georgina always responds that the only way she leaves that property is in the back of a funeral car.

Questions: Therapy: outdoor therapy

  1. How would this therapeutic approach influence how you see Georgina's presenting issues?
  2. What techniques and processes from this approach would you use with Georgina and why?
  3. Using this approach, what would be the purpose of your social work relationship with Georgina and how would her concerns would be prioritised?

Reference no: EM133587200

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