How would this differ from our current use of retroviruses

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM13112517

In what way may we be able to take advantage of retrotransposons in human gene therapy? How would this differ from our current use of retroviruses?

Reference no: EM13112517

Questions Cloud

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How would this differ from our current use of retroviruses : In what way may we be able to take advantage of retrotransposons in human gene therapy? How would this differ from our current use of retroviruses?
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How do you think they affect gene expression : a number of tumors from inbred animals such as mice and chickens show associated retroviruses. How do you think they affect gene expression in these animals such that it results in cancer?
Illustrate what is the standard deviation : Illustrate what is the standard Deviation? Illustrate what is the Variance? At the 95% level of significance, are there any data points that are significant?


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