How would they control for each type of potential threat

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Reference no: EM133619470


Identify an area of clinical practice interest in the adult population.

A. Consider a research study that they might conduct with this population.

B. Name the independent variable (IV) (i.e., intervention) and the dependent variable (DV) (i.e., effect of the intervention).

C. Identify extraneous variables. How would they control for those extraneous variables? Identify potential threats to internal validity.

D. Identify potential threats to external validity. How would they control for each type of potential threat?

E. What time dimension for data collection will they use?

Reference no: EM133619470

Questions Cloud

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How would they control for each type of potential threat : Identify potential threats to external validity. How would they control for each type of potential threat? What time dimension for data collection will they use
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