How would the team organize the department

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131019507

Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, with speaker notes, that analyzes police department organization. Don't forget good presentations take use of graphics, but do not overdo on the number and type of graphics you use. Include the following in the presentation:

Write each of these topics (below) as a (sub-header) in your paper followed by the answer. The sub-header will be written (verbatim), centered and in boldface.


1. Identify major organizational theories associated with policing.

2. Describe the organization of police agencies at the local, state, and federal level.

3. Describe the civil service system and how it affects police organization.

4. Select a city in which one of your team members is currently living. Imagine you are the police chief of a local agency in that city.

5. How would the team organize the department?

6. Would it have many specialized units? Why? Which specialized units would it have?

7. Would decision making be centralized or decentralized?

Reference no: EM131019507

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