How would the global risk calculus of individuals

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Reference no: EM131033634 , Length:


Answer each of the following questions on the peril of conflict and the promise of conflict resolution. Your answer to each item should be an essay of 350 to 800 words in length. (With a typical font and spacing, this comes to between 1½ and 3 pages.) It is recommended that you refer to outside sources as you consider these issues. Be sure to document your sources correctly.

Asymmetrical violence (including terrorism) has historically accompanied eras of global economic expansion and rapid technological change. How might the technologies and movements of goods, people, and money that power globalization also inspire violence? What steps can be taken to mitigate reactionary movements to the forces of globalization? Is this violence nihilistic or simply "politics by other means"? How are economics likely to drive conflict in the future? in your answer, discuss global conflict from the end of the Cold War to the present.

How would the global risk calculus of individuals, organizations, and governments shift if a weapon of mass destruction were detonated in a heavily populated city? The likelihood of such an event is high according to experts around the globe. Would such an event promote closer cooperation between countries in fighting the spread of WMDs or would it drive countries further apart and back within their sovereign borders?

Reference no: EM131033634

Questions Cloud

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The customer drops off a written prescription : The process for filling a prescription at a large retail pharmacy begins when a customer’s physician calls the pharmacy or the customer drops off a written prescription. Sometimes the customer needs to refill a prescription and if no refills remain, ..
Consistent with customer-focused quality philosophy : The Missing Reservation Mark, Donna, and their children, along with another family, traditionally attended Easter brunch at a large downtown hotel. This year, as in the past, Donna called and made a reservation about three weeks prior to Easter. Were..
Main criticisms of green marketing and consumerism : One of the main criticisms of green marketing and consumerism is that the retail prices of goods and services fail to reflect the true costs of their manufacturing and marketing efforts. Would a fair price for a product also include a premium for its..
How would the global risk calculus of individuals : How would the global risk calculus of individuals, organizations, and governments shift if a weapon of mass destruction were detonated in a heavily populated city?
Capital versus revenue expenditures : On January 1, 2012, Jose Company purchased a building for $200,000 and a delivery truck for $20,000. The following expenditures have been incurred during 2014:
Explicit lyrics or content of a violent or hateful nature : Should there be a limit on the musical artist’s ability to express themselves through explicit "lyrics" or content of a violent or hateful nature? What are some possible answers to this societal dilemma?
Important for an effective organizational structure : Discuss the roles of vertical and horizontal differentiation as they relate to organizational structure. In your opinion, which of these concepts is most important for an effective organizational structure? Please use an example.
Measure the applicants cognitive abilities : Company XYZ is using an aptitude test to measure the applicants’ cognitive abilities. The score of the test can vary from 10 to 100. A score of 10 indicates very low cognitive abilities whereas a score of 100 indicates exceptional cognitive abilities..


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