How would such a move affect income and prices in america

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133735019


While sitting at home on your favorite couch watching the news with your family, a politician appeared on TV and says, "Let's bring American factories and American manufacturing jobs back to America. This will make our GDP grow bigger and will also contribute to an additional 5 million jobs in America, which means people will have more income to spend and enjoy their lives. Let's end our relationship with China and become self-sufficient. Trust me, you will have more money in your pocket and more affordable goods on the shelves in our local stores." What would happen if we forced American factories that operate in other countries to come back to American soil? Is it even possible? How would such a move affect income and prices in America? Why don't we stop trading with other countries and bring all jobs back to America?

Reference no: EM133735019

Questions Cloud

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