How would rob property have been distributed if he revoked

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Reference no: EM133573075

Question: In Florida, Two weeks after their wedding, Rob and June executed wills with the following dispositive clauses: Rob's will: "I devise all my property to my wife, June. If June predeceases me, I devise all my property to our descendants." June's will: "I devise all my property to my husband, Rob. If Rob predeceases me, I devise all my property to our descendants." After June died, Rob received all her property. Two years later, Rob married Leah. Rob then executed a new will with the following dispositive clauses: Rob's new will: "I devise one-half of my property to my wife, Leah, and one-half to my descendants. If Leah predeceases me, I devise all my property to my descendants." When Rob died, he was survived by Leah, by three children from his marriage to June, and by one child from his marriage to Leah. He owned property worth $500,000 that he had inherited from June; property worth $600,000 that he owned at June's death; and property worth $300,000 that he acquired after June's death.

a. Assuming none of the property was homestead or exempt property, how would Rob's property have been distributed if he revoked the first will but did not

Reference no: EM133573075

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