How would respond to interviewer to make a best impression

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133335282


Suppose you are appearing for a job interview for the position of sourcing manager in a unicorn startup. The interviewer has asked you a series of questions - "Tell me, what do you think about the position? What do sourcing mangers do? Do you think that sourcing can make a difference in the competitive position of our firm?"

How would you respond to the interviewer to make a best impression?

Reference no: EM133335282

Questions Cloud

What is emotional intelligence : What is emotional intelligence (EI)? What is the primary issue associated with trait-EI assessments as opposed to ability-EI assessments? In general
Describe the human resourse system wheel : Describe the Human Resourse System "Wheel" concept that I presented in our first class. Explain how all the other HR Departments ( HINT Each chapter) works
How would ethical-sustainable sourcing strategy look like : What would be your approach? How would your ethical and sustainable sourcing strategy look like?
Assess the value of creating a vision board : Explain your choices of inclusion to your classmates, including how you incorporated the themes of case management. Assess the value of creating a vision board
How would respond to interviewer to make a best impression : The interviewer has asked you a series of questions - "Tell me, what do you think about the position? What do sourcing mangers do?
How you incorporated the themes of case management : Explain your choices of inclusion to your classmates, including how you incorporated the themes of case management. Assess the value of creating a vision board
How will it make you a better and safer pilot : What would be the single most important concept that was new to you? Why was it important, and how will it make you a better and safer pilot
How this research conclusion could be used to inform human : Imagine you are asked to give a half-hour presentation about research in human services. Since this could cover a vast number of concepts, you decide
Basic components common to every change control process : Described one of the "eight basic components common to every change control process" (Verzuh, 2016, p. 367) Provided ONLY TWO points referencing Verzuh.


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