Reference no: EM133627445
Assignment: Firm Analysis
You will perform an organizational analysis for New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc (EDU).
This analysis will be written in the form of a consultant's report, including a title page, table of contents, executive summary, headings, citations, references, etc. The document should be 10 pages.
Use FOOTNOTES for your citations.
The outline for the analysis will include:
1) Title page
2) Table of contents
3) Executive Summary:
A. a brief summary of the company being studied (not a repeat of the company overview)
B. a brief summary of the purpose of this organizational analysis.
I. Overview of the Firm
A. A brief description of the company
1. Describe the company and list out the product categories and briefly describe.
2. Describe revenues, number of employees, where it is headquartered, etc.
B. Current strategic plan and goals/objectives
1. Describe the current strategies being used by the firm.
2. How would Miles and Snow classify the company?
3. What about Porter's competitive strategies model (Do not use Porter's Five Force Model; rather, use Porter's Generic Strategies)?
4. What are the company's goals/objectives?
5. What strategies have they been implementing to meet those goals/objectives?
6. Have these strategies been effective?
C. Organizational structure of company
1. How is the company currently structuring its operations?
2. What type of structural model best describes what they do: functional, divisional, matrix, virtual, etc.?
3. Is the current structure working for them?
4. Include an organizational chart and a business unit/division chart. [Hint: Do not use Porter's Five Force Model here]
D. Organization life cycle
Where does your company fit on the organizational life cycle? What factors contributed to you placing the company where you have in the life cycle model? How does this impact current and future strategy?
E. Organizational design for an international environment (if applicable)
If the company has international operations, how does it run those international operations? Does head office make all the decisions, and the international parts of the company are just treated like branch offices? Or do the international operations have a fair degree of autonomy in running their operations? Are the international operations stand-alone profit centres?
II. Value Chain Analysis
Discuss the firm's value chain activities. Modify as necessary for your firm.
A. PrimaryActivities
1. Inbound/outbound logistics
2. Operations
3. and sales
4. Service
B. Support Activities
1. Firm's infrastructure
2. Human Resource Management
3. Technology development
C. Patents and Trademarks
1. Are there any patents or trademarks issued for the company's products?
2. Does the company have full assignment of the all the patent rights?
3. Have you entered into any licensing agreements with other companies to use it?
D. Research and Development
1. Does the business require substantial R&D to be successful? How do your competitors' rate in this area?
2. How do your competitors' rate in the R&D area? What are they spending? How does it compare?
3. Are there changes to the R&D model? How much will be needed in the future?
4. Procurement resources, finances, inventory, etc.