Reference no: EM132170404
Question: Consider the following three problems. In writing a paper about each problem, identify the consequences of the actions taken, and then determine whether the actions taken represented a greater good, who would benefit from the good, and whether the consequences ethically justify the decisions and actions.
The Mayor of a large city was given a free membership in an exclusive golf club by people who have received several city contracts. He also accepted gifts from organizations that have not done business with the City, but might in the future. The gifts ranged from $200 tickets to professional sports events to designer watches and jewelry.
A college instructor is pursuing her doctorate in night school. To gain extra time for her own studies, she gives her students the same lectures, the same assignments, and the same examinations semester after semester without the slightest effort to improve them.
Todd and Edna have been married for three years. They have had serious personal problems. Edna is a heavy drinker, and Todd cannot keep a job. Also, they have bickered and fought constantly since their marriage. Deciding that the way to overcome their problems is to have a child, they stop practicing birth control, and Edna becomes pregnant.
Using what you have learned from collaborations, discussions, and readings up to this week, explore your answers to these ethical dilemmas. How would Locke have addressed or solved the problem? Explain how his ethics and the answer he may have given are different from or the same as yours.
Compose a 2 page paper and oral narration of 2 minutes, discussing all three ethical dilemmas in depth.
Are the events of our lives under our control or not
: Discuss what the Stoics believed about the relation of Fate to the things that happen in our lives. Was Fate a God(ess) or an impersonal power?
Changing the slide and font themes
: In what way do you customize master slide layouts by changing the slide and font themes? formatting the background and footers? and adding background graphics i
What philosopher or philosophy studied
: What philosopher or philosophy studied so far in this book has caused a fundamental change in your thinking/personal philosophy and why?
What is a vty and why is it necessary to configure
: In cisco swtiches what is a vty and why is it necessary to configure?
How would locke have addressed or solved the problem
: Using what you have learned from collaborations, discussions, and readings up to this week, explore your answers to these ethical dilemmas.
What the test case is and the result
: This test function should run when your program starts up. Show the user what the test case is and the result. The program must not require any user input.
Identify a problem or issue in your chosen career field
: Imagine you are now working in your dream job. You have, however, noticed a problem in the organization, business, or nonprofit you work for.
Explain why you agree with your chosen side
: Pick a side! With reference to your chosen character, explain why you agree with your chosen side, i.e., if you agree with Searle, why do you agree with Searle?
Identify two government officias who disagreed with military
: After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President Bush sent troops into Afghanistan and Iraq in support of the "war" on terror.