How would engage parents in assessing childrens learning

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Reference no: EM131160109

Read instructions,

How's My Child Doing? Assessment and Communicating with Parents

Create a multimedia presentation outlining the five areas of assessment for young children. Multimedia could be pictures/video in all the 5 areas. You are presenting this to parents on how their child is doing

Describe a formal standardized testing instrument to assess young children in each of these five domains. The five comunication, social, motor, academic It can be any formal standardized testing instrument.

Design and describe a minimum of three types of informal measures or activities used to evaluate and measure student progress. Include these in a lesson plan using the EEI format, located on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

The requirement

You can make them separate documents if you want or just include it in the presentaion however it works best for you

Develop and convey the process for communicating both formal and informal assessments to parents. Describe how you would engage parents in assessing their children's learning.

LoudCloud Systems

Explain how technology can be used to assist in the process of assessment and progress monitoring.

While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and 3-5 in-text citations and references should be presented using APA guidelines, found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Submit your assignment to the instructor at the end of Topic 8.

Additionally, submit the assignment in Taskstream. Directions for submitting to Taskstream can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

Verified Expert

The solution is divided in 2 parts where the first part describes about the five areas of assessment for young children and where the technology can be used here. It also explains the activities in lesson plan or informal assessment too. Then how to communicate to parents about it. APA style of references provided.

Reference no: EM131160109

Questions Cloud

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How would engage parents in assessing childrens learning : Develop and convey the process for communicating both formal and informal assessments to parents. Describe how you would engage parents in assessing their children's learning.
What is the inventory turnover ratio of amazon : What is the current ratio of Does have enough money to pay off short term liabilities? Explain. What is the inventory turnover ratio of How much is the earnings per share of
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Write the given assignment : Write essay will be on diets and diet fads and how the media, social media and false advertising is designed to cause damage to those listening that won't follow the one rule stated in all advertising ".



8/22/2016 6:59:43 AM

PowerPoint is fantastic, tell your expert that i am really very thankful to him for giving me quality job.


8/22/2016 6:55:59 AM

ok, tell expert to tell me which slides have pictures, and tell me why slides 2,3,4,5,7, and 8 do not have a title on the slide.did the expert send me a power point that i did not receive, because there are no pictures of children or parents in this power point. the power point the expert sent me is purple, and one or two are blue, and the other slide is white, now please tell me where the pictures are? If the expert inserted three pictures, tell the expert to send me that power point. can you please check this power point? I do not understand what expert is saying, because when i done a power point previously, i inserted pictures, and every slide had a heading. please let me know what expert is saying.


8/22/2016 4:41:31 AM

please read instructions carefully, because i have to turn this assignment into my task stream. need anymore instructions let me know.

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