How would each of your alternatives affect the other people

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Reference no: EM132146960

FIRST ASSIGNMENT- Business Ethics - Assignment

What Would You Do?

Read Decision Point: What Would You Do? pages 38 and 54

Scenario 1: You are the first person to arrive in your classroom and as you sit down you notice an iPod on the floor underneath the adjacent seat. You pick it up and turn it on.

It works fine and even has some of your favorite music listed. You realize that you are the only one in the room and no one will know if you keep it.

You see other students entering the room so you place the iPod on the floor next to your belonging. You will have the whole class period to decide what to do.

Scenario 2: Instead of finding the iPod, you are a friend who sits next to the person who finds it. As class begins, your friend leans over and asks your advice about what to do.

Scenario 3: You are now a student representative on the judicial board at school. The student who kept the iPod is accused of stealing. How would you make the decision about the situation?


Write a 2- page APA style paper discussing the following questions related to the above scenarios:

What are the key facts that you should consider before making a decision, as either the person who discovered the iPod, the friend, or the judicial board member?

Is this an ethical issue? What exactly are the ethical aspects involved in your decision?

Who else is involved, or should be involved, in this decision? Who has a stake in the outcome?

What alternatives are available to you? What are the consequences of each alternative?

How would each of your alternatives affect the other people you have identified as having a stake in the outcome?

Where might you look for additional guidance to assist you in resolving this particular dilemma?

Provide 3-5 APA style references both inline and at the end of the paper to support your analysis. Please write in 3rd person.

Note: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the week's theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence.

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Business Ethics - Assignment

The Corporate Culture

Read Decision Point: Creating an Ethics Program, pages 108 and 144

Choose one of the following companies (or any company that has been in the press) and write a 2- page, APA style critical analysis of the ethical issues involved in the case.

Legal Cases:



Global Crossing



NYSE and Richard Grasso

Merrill Lynch

Health South

Marsh and McLennan

Al Dunlap and Sunbeam

The analysis should include the following:

A short description of case

Identification of the ethical issues involved (what was the alleged ethical wrong done, and why is/was it wrong?)

A statement, in their own opinion, of whether it was wrong or not, and more importantly, why?

Thoughts on what could have been done to avoid the problem - do we need more laws & government regulation? What internal controls might have prevented this situation?

Was the problem more a matter of individuals gone wrong, or was it more systemic and organizational?

Provide 3- 5 APA style references both inline and at the end of the paper to support your analysis. Please write in 3rd person. Note: This is your opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the week's theory linked to personal opinion and outside evidence.

Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please include citations to support your ideas.

Reference no: EM132146960

Questions Cloud

Task - Investigate the supplied forensic image : Your task is to investigate the supplied forensic image using appropriate tools and process and to develop and submit a written report on your findings
Environment effect the success of students : How does the learning environment effect the success of students? Provide examples.
Current market price plus a brokerage charge : A $1000 utility bond with 14 years remaining before maturity can now be purchased for $760. It pays interest of $20 each 6-month period.
Shift in demand or supply : Think about a good or service for which you believe there has been a shift in demand or supply
How would each of your alternatives affect the other people : How would each of your alternatives affect the other people you have identified as having a stake in the outcome?
Classify each team member into one of the four matrix areas : You have been recently promoted to lead a new division of Company XYZ. This company is known for its team-oriented atmosphere, and your boss has raved about.
How long we must wait to get the first 1 : Tosses are independent. We are interested in how long we must wait to get the first 1.
How many cars will take route 1 : Alternative route 2: average travel time is 18 minutes(no matter how many cars are using it) How many cars will take route 1? How many cars should take route 1?
What is your irr for investment : (i) If the bond matures in five years and you can currently buy one for $3,500, what is your IRR for this investment?


Write a Review

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