How would affect your assessment of cr

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Reference no: EM13835533 , Length:

HI I need you to write answers for every question in detail and considering every aspect what the question is asking for and please it should be correctly written and it should be based on australian purposes.

1 (a) Remember to be specific - would we be vouching? Tracing? Inspecting?

Reperforming? What documents would we need?

(b) Think about the persuasiveness and reliability of verbal evidence

(c) How would this affect your assessment of CR? What would be the subsequent effect?

2. This question has you consider 2 scenarios - consider the impact on CR, what specific actions would come after your assessment as (a) effective or (b) not effective? Remember to think about the specific controls presented in the case.

3. Be specific with your descriptions of the controls.

4. Be clear and specific with your descriptions of how the controls will prevent misstatements.

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Reference no: EM13835533

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