Reference no: EM133442394 , Length: Words Count:600
Read these two texts advocating for non-violent manners of overcoming oppression:
? "Let South Africa Show the World How to Forgive" by Desmond Tutu
? "Speech at the United Nations" by Malala Yousafzai
Both writers have been victims of oppression by dominant groups. However they were able to not only survive, but thrive by improving themselves and those around them. Both writers explore themes of freedom and power in their speeches.
Write an informative essay that is 500 to 600 words and analyze how words have the power to provoke, calm, and inspire. Use evidence from both selections to support your thesis. Support your ideas with examples, facts, and quotations from the texts. Ensure that your ideas are fully supported and that your response is clear and coherent and organized effectively.
Your analysis should include:
? Clear and coherent writing appropriate to the task and the audience
? Logical organization of and connections between ideas
? Transitional words/phrases
? Sentence variation (simple, compound, complex, simple complex) and transitions
? Use both texts