How will your targets value the services you provide

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Reference no: EM133634864

Assignment: Consultant's Journal- Project Outline


The Project in Module Nine provides you with a chance to delve deeper into your reasons for taking the course, explore the type of consulting you aspire to practice, and decide whether you want to work as an independent practitioner or for a consulting firm. It serves as a platform to create a business or career plan that aligns with your interests and professional goals, facilitating a valuable learning experience.

In this module's journal, you will identify what you would like to accomplish in the project and how it applies to your future business or career plan. You will also outline the first element of the project paper, your company description. In addition, you will select and outline the other main elements of the project you plan to focus on. Choose from the main elements listed below and see the Project Guidelines.

I. Main Elements: Include most of the main elements and requirements listed below. Cite multiple examples to illustrate each element. Modules where you will find resources are noted for each main element.

II. Company Description: Include services provided, markets, problems being addressed, the value provided to your prospective clients, and the organizational plan (e.g., sole proprietor, partners, or teaming). See Modules One, Three, and Six.

1. What problems are you solving for your target customers? If you intend to pursue different markets, identify by segment.

2. As you think about your organizational plan and strategies, how will you approach the market: as a solo player, partner, or team with another organization?

III. Market Position: Describe your skills and position in it based on your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis and other research, such as competitive positioning. See Module Eight. Based on your assessments and research, describe the services you would provide.

IV. Marketing Plan: Describe your marketing strategy and execution of a plan to differentiate your business in the marketplace. See Modules Eight and Nine.

1. How large do you think your market is, and how will your targets value the services you provide?

2. Define your goals in terms of the number of engagements and revenues in the first year and the fifth year of operation.

V. Business Launch Plan: Use SWOT analysis to determine your readiness to go to market as a consultant. See Module Eight. Are you ready to go to market now? What would you like to accomplish before launching the business?


Write a journal paper outlining what you would like to accomplish with your project and how it applies to your future business or career plan. Include the following in your paper:

I. Company Description: Provide all of the information described in letter A in the overview above.

II. Other main elements you plan to include in your project: Choose from letters B through D in the overview and describe your reasons for choosing them. You are required to include most of the main elements in your project to achieve an exemplary grade.

III. Questions: Include any questions or requests for guidance you have about the project for your instructor.

Specifically, you must address the following criteria:

I. Critical Thinking and Reflection: Support claims you make with relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process.

II. Integration and Application: Show the depth of knowledge of the module content and exhibit careful consideration of the topic.

III. Voice: Write in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience, using a consistent voice throughout.

Reference no: EM133634864

Questions Cloud

Apply the concepts of emotional and cultural intelligence : Apply the concepts of emotional and cultural intelligence to the modern workplace, and the implications for leadership, teams and for transforming
Migrants face when settling in new country : Identify and describe three major challenges that migrants face when settling in a new country.
Elderly lady in nursing home explained : An elderly lady in a nursing home explained that she saw the new staff coming into her room, crawling into her bed, whispering in her ears,
Write a paper on brand loyalty : Write a paper on brand loyalty. An expert in field is Frederick Reichheld who has written several books on topic including The Loyalty Effect or Loyalty Rules.
How will your targets value the services you provide : How large do you think your market is, and how will your targets value the services you provide? What would you like to accomplish before launching the business
How these experiences have challenged or reinforced : Describe each concept or theory in detail, providing examples or illustrations to support your explanations and Discuss how these experiences have challenged
Summarize the scope of the project in more detail : Summarize the scope of the project in more detail. Explain how your skills align with the RFP deliverables. State what you will deliver at end of the project.
Analytics methods used in accounting, economics or finance : Evaluate how your chosen analytics methods can be used to address the needs of the company from the case study provided in class. Reflect and list
Outline for your selected business : Outline for your selected business in which you include the following information that you will use to complete portions of your summative assessment.


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