Reference no: EM133209351
It is a country rich in biodiversity, culture, and natural beauty. According to Lonely Planet, it's one of the most species-rich countries on the planet. In one day's time, it's possible to travel from Ecuador's eastern Amazon region, across the Andes, and out to the Paci?c coast. Most African countries receive minimal support from government treasuries to develop tourism infrastructure. Finally, the brand image of Africa has unfortunately been one of poverty, hunger, war, strife, epidemic diseases, and other negative perceptions. Indeed, each year, approximately 1 billion people travel internationally. By 2030, consumer spending on tourism, hospitality, and recreation in Africa is projected to reach about $261.77 billion, $137.87 billion more than in 2015. (Emily, 2022).
1. If you'll get the chance to travel, would you choose Africa? Why and why not?
2. As a tourism student, how will you uplift the brand image of Africa?