How will you start the coaching session with max the manager

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132780057

Assignment: As a representative of the Human Resources Department, you want to be sure your meetings are successful and that you are able to effectively articulate your message. In order to achieve this, you must spend time before the meeting to prepare. A key best practice for meeting preparation is to draft meeting notes for yourself. These notes should include a list of key topics you want to cover with your attendee(s), overall meeting goals, and any follow-up/action items you want to discuss.

To complete this Assignment, use the Simulation Meeting Notes Template to write-down important areas of the performance management system you would like to discuss with Max the department manager for Global ProTech. Be sure to consider the following questions in your meeting notes.

• How will you greet the manager and begin the conversation to create an open dialogue yet address accountabilities, organizational expectations, etc.?

• How will you start the coaching session with Max the manager and how will you help Max to feel comfortable talking with you while still establishing his responsibility as a manager for Global ProTech?

• Consider strategies for reviewing the Global ProTech performance management system with Max to best elicit his receptivity to changing his current behavior(s) and practices.

• How will you help Max discover and articulate the next steps he needs to take?

• How might you end the coaching session, e.g., is it important to establish a follow up meeting with him, do you need to coach Max to meet with Jill within a short timeframe, etc.?

Reference no: EM132780057

Questions Cloud

One ethical issue is regarding study subjects : One ethical issue is regarding the study subjects. For example, juveniles being studied are not old enough to singlehandedly provide consent for research.
Establish a clear vision for the strategic planning process : Establish a clear vision for the strategic planning process. Ensure the picture is reality and not just what you or your executive committee may want to have.
How will strategies impact your work in human service field : For this week's reflection journal entry, reflect on what you have learned in this module about evaluating progress, coordinating resources and services.
What are the top three things we do well : Your Mastering the Challenges of Leading Change text suggests three simple questions can help leaders understand the needed change in organizations.
How will you start the coaching session with max the manager : As a representative of the Human Resources Department, you want to be sure your meetings are successful and that you are able to effectively articulate you.
Employs experimental and pre-experimental : Find a recent journal article that employs an experimental, pre-experimental, or quasi-experimental design.
Explains the criminal activity : Explain why your selected theory explains the criminal activity. Does it explain all occurrences of this crime? Why or why not?
Traditional criminology and disciplines of biology : Describe the opportunities for theory integration between traditional criminology and the disciplines of biology and psychology in this case.
Evaluate why many police departments ignore entitlement : Evaluate why many police departments ignore "entitlement" and focus more on other unethical behaviors during ethics training.


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