Reference no: EM131290943
Teacher and Student Mindsets
1. Sousa, D. A. & Tomlinson, C. A. (2011). Differentiation and the brain: How neuroscience supports the learner-friendly classroom. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.
a. Chapter 2: Mindset, Learning Environment, and Differentiation
Teacher and Student Mindsets
According to Sousa and Tomlinson (2011), "Brain studies suggest that a stimulating learning environment may have a significant impact on an individual's brain development and eventual level of intelligence" (p. 33). Creating a stimulating learning environment is largely dependent on teacher and student mindsets that are influenced by beliefs, assumptions, and expectations.
Take a moment to reflect on your personal educational experiences and answer the following questions:
a. Describe a positive and negative classroom experience you have had in your educational experience and the mindset of the teacher in both those situations.
• Did you feel that your teacher's mindset in both situations impacted your own mindset in any way? How?
Using these educational experiences and watching the video Building a Community, describe at least three ways in which you will create your own positive and stimulated learning environment.
• How will you create an atmosphere where students can take intellectual risks without fear of ridicule?
• How will you manage inappropriate behavior, avoid bullying and put-downs?
• What steps will you take to create an atmosphere where students feel safe and included?
Discuss three ethical issues pertinent to research
: There is growing concern about ethical issues. Identify and discuss three ethical issues pertinent to research conducted using the Internet.
Percent of the intercity ton-miles
: Pipelines account for more than 20 percent of the intercity ton-miles but less than 5 percent of the revenue paid by shippers to transportation companies. What factors account for this contrast? Is this situation likely to change? Why or why not?
Evaluate the policies and doctrines that helped the us
: Evaluate the policies and doctrines that helped the United States shift from isolationism to a Superpower during the middle of the 20th century. Be certain to include specific events, doctrines, and people to make your point.
Current practices in health care reimbursement
: Search the Internet for current articles about health care reimbursement models. In a two to three-page paper, address the following issues: Analyze current practices in health care reimbursement.
How will you manage inappropriate behavior
: How will you manage inappropriate behavior, avoid bullying and put-downs? What steps will you take to create an atmosphere where students feel safe and included?
Readings of elevated blood pressure are found
: The patient comes to the physician's office for an annual physical, and two readings of elevated blood pressure are found. The physician requests the patient to return to the office in two weeks after the patient follows certain dietary and exerci..
Identify the requirements that fedex is seeking
: Go to the home Web page for Federal Express, and identify the requirements that FedEx is seeking in marketing research personnel. Write a brief description of these requirements, and report your finding.
How you might specifically incorporate them into classroom
: Select three of these principles and describe how you might specifically incorporate them into your classroom instruction. Examine how these approaches will support student learning needs based on brain research.
Business environment that are forcing management decision
: Identify the significant changes taking place in today's business environment that are forcing management decision makers to rethink their views of marketing research.