How will you know if the kanban is working

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133769297

Assignment: Agile Project Management

You are to develop a Kanban for a process at your work, or somewhere you have worked in the past. If you can use a construction background that would be preferable but any example would work.

Here are a few questions that should drive your thinking as you consider your Kanban application. As you prepare to write your paper do not list these questions; they are only a beginning subset of the things you might consider and are not meant to be all you write about.

A. What is a Kanban?
B. What would you do or how would you go about setting up the Kanban?
C. How would you communicate the need of your employees to the wholesaler?
D. What are the priorities?
E. What tools would you use?
F. How will you know if the Kanban is working?
G. What are the benefits and setbacks of using kanbam for the work process?
H. What metrics can be used to measure teh Kanbans success?


Reference no: EM133769297

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