Reference no: EM133379307
Social Issue: The large number of immigrants and migrants in El Paso, Texas, and the difficulty they have obtaining resources and assistance.
Logistics: Explain how your proposed program/project will be organized:
Duration of program: - How long will your program/project last? Explain how you will ensure safety of participants-For example, online registration forms, confidentiality agreements, social media restrictions.
Location of program: - Describe where will your program/project occur- On a campus? In a building? In a community recreation hall? At a school? Explain how you will address possible limitations of the location.
Participants: - How many participants will your program/project allow? Is it a manageable size? How will you recruit and train volunteers? How will you involve families and community members?
Sound Management: Describe the levels of leadership required - degree level of staff, and structure of the personnel. Explain whether or not volunteers be utilized.
Sociocultural factors: - How will your proposed program/project address the cultural factors of your community?
Ethical Considerations: Describe any ethical issues (confidentiality, consent, disclosure, etc.) and how you will prepare to address and resolve those issues.