How will you help friend who might be showing signs of abuse

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133541416


1. In your opinion, what preconceived notions or bias do we, as a society, have about Intimate Partner Violence?

2. How will you help a friend who might be showing signs of abuse? How will you address a friend that might be showing abusive behaviors?

3. Make a list of 4 things of what love DOES include (this opposites of the Red Flags).

4. What does it mean to 'trust your gut'? How has this served you in the past and how will it serve you in the future?

5. If a friend asked you "why do people stay in an abusive relationship? can't they just leave?" how would you answer? How would you help promote different dialogue on this in your social circles?

6. Finally, how do you think social media impacts a relationship? What are ways you can keep yourself safe or distanced from someone on social media?

Reference no: EM133541416

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