How will you evaluate the effect of your interventions

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM13894998

We keep getting these pre-lab discussion questions before we even talked about it in lecture and I'm having a really hard time breaking this down. Can someone please help?

Not sure what D5 is..

Her blood glucose seems to be high after surgery but as for what physical assessment data I will need to plan for her care, Im still trying to figure out how to recognize that. These are 3 of the questions that I am stuck on

Mrs. Space has returned from the short procedure unit as she underwent excision of her tonsils.

Orders are as follows:
Nothing by mouth (NPO) except for ice chips
Bathroom Privileges (BRP)
Ancef 1 (cefazolin) gram IV every 6 hours
Intake & Output (I&O) q shift
D5 ½ NS + 40 mEq KCL @ 125mL/hr

Na = 130 mEq/L Cr = 0.7 mg/dl
K = 5.0 mEq/L Glucose = 222 mg/dl
Cl = 100 mEq/L CO2 = 25 mEq/L
BUN = 11 mg/dL

Operating Room Report:
Intake: Crystalloid- 2050 mL
Output: Urine- 150 mL, Estimated blood loss (EBL) - 500 mL

1. Based on the information provided, identify physical assessment data needed to plan for her care and information will you share with the provider caring for this patient?

2. Based upon your discussion, what changes to Mrs. Space's orders should you expect and why?

3. How will you evaluate the effect of your interventions and what do you expect to find?

Reference no: EM13894998

Questions Cloud

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