Reference no: EM133777661
Assignment Instructions
Throughout this course students are expected to practice the skills they learn, either in their current place of employment or simulated on a friend or family member. In this journal entry they will attest to the practice they have completed and reflect upon the development of their professional identity. The journal entry will be reviewed by faculty but will not be shared with peers.
Attestation prompt: Please read this statement aloud and then complete the journal prompt.
I am accountable to myself, this course, and the nursing profession, and I hold myself to the professional standards of nursing and HPU SON values of kuleana and pono. I attest that I have practiced the system level assessment skills review in this week's learning materials.
Your professional nursing identity has been influenced by your personal identity, background, experiences, education, and career. As you progress in your studies, your professional identity will be remolded from that of an RN to an APRN. Self-reflection and journaling can assist as you transition your practice.
Reflect on a challenge, success, or ah-ha moment you encountered as you practiced the weekly assessment skills.
It is said that APRN are leaders, what does that mean to you? How will you develop capacity for leadership?