How will you determine their readiness for training

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131458276




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• ANSWER Q7 ( 200 words + intext+ Harvard referencing with the readings already given)

• ANSWER Q1,6,8,9 and 10 (Dotted points +intext +Harvard referencing with the 2 readings given)


1. Assume you have to prepare older employees with little computer experiences to attend a training course on how to use the internet.How will you ensure that they have high levels of readiness for training? How will you determine their readiness for training?
(200 words)

Answer in dot points:

2. Which of the factors that influence performance and learning do you think is most important? Which is least important?

3. Explain how you would determine whether employees had the reading level necessary to succeed in a training program?

4. Review the accompanying sample task and task ratings for an electronic technician's jobs. What tasks do you believe should be emphasised in the training program? Why?

5. Discuss the types of evidence that you would look for in order to determine whether a analysis has been improperly conducted.

6. In one of the major charities operating in both Australia and New Zealand, eligibility assessor is responsible for client contract, policy interpretation and financial decisions relating to several forms of aid (E.g, cash, food, clothing, bedding and toys).

Eligibility assessors must read a large number of emails, memos and announcements of new and revised policies and procedures.

A significant number of eligibility assessors were complaining that they had difficulty reading and responding to this correspondence. Management of the charity decided to fun its eligibility assessors to attend a speed reading program. The charity has 200 eligibility assessors.

Preliminary evaluation of the speed reading program showed that trainees liked it. Two months after the training was conducted, a large proportion of the eligibility assessors told their managers that they were not using the speed reading course in their jobs, but were using it in their leisure reading at home.

When their managers asked why they were not using it on the job, the typical response was, ‘I never read those emails and other guff'.

a) Evaluate the needs assessment process used to determine that training in speed reading was necessary. What was good about it? Where was it faulty?

b) How would you have conducted the needs assessment? Be realistic.

Reference no: EM131458276

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