How will watch for counterproductive behaviours

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133292792


Suppose that you are a new manager who has just been put in charge of a team of 20 individuals working in office in your home location and an additional 10 remote workers located in different cities across Canada. The majority of these employees have been with the organization less than three months. What are your key considerations as you start leading the team? There is no right answer but here are some guiding questions to assist in your response:

  • What do you need to consider about task and job performance?
  • How will you watch for counterproductive behaviours?
  • How will you keep your team motivated? Build Organizational commitment?
  • Knowing that you "inherited" your team, how will you focus on building and empowering them?
  • How will you build the team dynamics / cohesion?
  • What communication strategies will you use?
  • How will you get the team to "buy-in" to high performance?

kindly provide me the answers which are suitable in this questions.

Reference no: EM133292792

Questions Cloud

Relationship between knowledge management and innovation : Briefly explain the relationship between knowledge management and innovation.
Describe the internet of things : Describe what the Internet of Things concept means to you. Our lives are increasingly controlled by technology, as demonstrated by the Internet of Things.
Creating new products and services in today market : Explain what you feel are the biggest deterrents to creating new products and services in today's market.
Does corporate governance need reform : What is needed in corporate governance processes in today's business environment when it comes to ethics?
How will watch for counterproductive behaviours : What do you need to consider about task and job performance? How will you watch for counterproductive behaviours?
What is a customer experience : What is a customer experience and why it is important for a company?
How to solve for an unknown quantity : We examine how to solve for an unknown quantity. Some situations may be easily modeled by single variable equations and others might be more difficult.
Discuss rival hypotheses : You will want to discuss rival hypotheses and how you plan to address them, research you will need to conduct to support your claims.
Describe the naive bayes classifier algorithm : Describe the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm and its uses, what is the suitable data scale (level) of predicted outcome in Naive Bayes Classifier?


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