How will this minimise the risk of transmission

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133480961


Describe what additional transmission-based precautions could Ice implemented in an allied health workplace where standard precautions are not sufficient. In your response ensure to consider the following:

  • What additional cleaning requirements and precautions would be necessary?
  • What PPE could be worn and how will this minimise the risk of transmission?
  • What additional precautions may he necessary during waste disposal of potentiallyr infectious materials?

Reference no: EM133480961

Questions Cloud

Importance of demographic data to community health : Explain the HIV/AIDS importance of demographic data to community health.
Key health identifiers for diabetic patient population : What are some key health identifiers for the diabetic patient population?
How would implement effective strategies for communication : Include one scholarly research article from the library database to provide EBP support for your proposed communication strategies.
How can be strength in an elementary school setting : How can weakness be converted to strength in an elementary school setting?. Can strengths be used to overcome threats? How can opportunities be maximized?
How will this minimise the risk of transmission : What additional cleaning requirements and precautions would be necessary? What PPE could be worn and how will this minimise the risk of transmission?
How would nurse actualize parses theory of human becoming : What are characteristics of a human becoming nurse? What are strengths and weaknesses to this theory of nursing?
How can the diagnosis end stage renal failure : How can the diagnosis End Stage Renal failure (ESR) benefit from an evidence-based approach?
How does a nurse in icu advocate for patient : How does a nurse in ICU advocate for patient that are intubated and cannot talk.
Identify a vulnerable population : Identify a vulnerable population and two issues you are concerned about. Gather information about the issue and population.


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