Reference no: EM131639748
Title : Leading the reluctant follower
Assignment Overview:
This assignment is designed to focus on the content areas related to Leading Change for Innovation & Alignment addressed in the syllabus and other course materials. It is also expected to be meaningful to you both academically and professionally.
Based on the content of the course, the student will select a topic of choice that reflects the current issues and trends and role of the executive leader to promote and align an organization for innovation and implementing change. Please identify your topic as early as possible in the term. It will focus your time and how you think about and respond to other assignments. Note:A short yet concise executive summary is an expected component of the paper. The Executive Summary of the paper will be posted on Blackboard for class exchange at the end of the term (week 9). The length of the paper is expected to be a minimum of 10 double-spaced pages utilizing APA citation and formatting. Note: The 10 pages minimum does not include the expected NSU Assignment Cover Page, Title Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary and Reference page. Necessary Charts and graphs that support your content will count toward the 10 pages.
Guideline Details:
Please select a topic related to the course content. Your text book provides areas to consider related to the topics in general and related sub areas. Although there is not a minimum page expectation, it is expected to reflect a professional and graduate level quality and depth of understanding and research into the topic from sources that may include by certainly not limited to your course text books. Please remember that this course, "require participants to synthesize the knowledge gained throughout their program of study in order to formulate a developmental framework to lead strategically." Think of your audience as being your peers that are in senior or executive level corporate, non-profit or government positions.
The components of the assignment are:
1. Topic & annotated content outline (includes a statement related to why the topic is meaningful/relevant to you professionally). (Annotated simply means to identify what will be included in each section of the outline). This should be submitted to the Drop Box as soon as possible but no later than mid-term.
2. The Research paper (APA style)
3. Executive Summary
Paper Format & Component Areas (in the APA style):
1. Cover/Title Page (which should include your name, course and section, date, my name. The title should give your reader a good idea of what your paper is about).
2. Abstract (see APA style manual) (This is not the same as the Executive Summary which you will submit separately with your
3. Table of Contents
4. Introduction & Thesis(Presents related current issues, trends, conditions, significance, etc. Sets the stage and focus of the paper).
5. Body of the Paper (You identify the headings related to your topic): Use subheadings, to separate different aspects of your paper which support your main idea/thesis presented in the introduction. The body of your paper should provide supporting evidence to support your thesis, in a logical, fully developed manner. Related research, literature etc. should be included.
For each new topic which supports your overall thesis, provide a topic sentence or two which is, in effect, the thesis for that sub-topic. Your supporting sub-topics should address significance and issues such as: How will this knowledge/understanding benefit the success of the profession/organization, professional etc. What is the major impact of these findings? What are the benefits and if any, disadvantages? Etc.
6. Summary, Discussion, Conclusions, Implications & Recommendations: Your summary and discussion should synthesize and summarize your findings, what you learned (lessons learned) about your chosen topic and the possible impact/implications of your review and findings on executive/senior level leaders, organizations, people, society in general etc. Also, address any issues that may still not be resolved from your perspective and make recommendations for the future as related to your topic.
7. References
Please contact me should you need clarification. I am pleased to speak with you. Do your best on this as it can serve as a writing sample for future professional opportunities.
The link below does a good job of explaining the difference between an Executive Summary and an abstract.
The government and some companies have begun to request executive summaries at the beginning of a long report. An executive summary is a one-page statement of the problem, the purpose of the communication, and a summary of the results, conclusions, and recommendations. The same considerations of readers and situation should guide your executive summaries.