How will this affect the power level

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131356667

A rocket engine with two TPs delivers the fuel, namely UDMH, at a pump discharge pressure of 555 psia, a flow of 10.2 lb/sec, at 3860 rpm, and a fuel temperature of 68? F. Determine the following:

(a) The fuel pump power for these nominal conditions.

(b) When the fuel flow is reduced to 70% of nominal, what will be the approximate power level, discharge pressure, and shaft speed? Assume that the oxidizer pump is also reduced by 70% and so is the gas flow to the turbines, but the gas temperature is unchanged.

(c) If the allowed temperature variation of the propellants is at -40? F and on another day +120? F, how will this affect the power level, shaft speed, and the discharge pressure of the fuel pump?

Reference no: EM131356667

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