How will their body attempt to compensate

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Reference no: EM133484907


1. Patient X is vomiting and reports feeling extremely nervous. What do you think is wrong with Patient X? How will their body attempt to compensate?

2. The juxtamedullary nephrons of animals adapted to sur vive with minimal water consumption, such as desert rats, have relatively much longer loops of Henle than humans have. Of what benefit would these longer loops be?

3. Because of a mutation, a child was born with an ascending limb of Henle that was water permeable. What would be the minimum/maximum urine osmolarities (in units of mOsm/L) the child could produce?

a. 100/300

b. 300/1200

c. 100/100

d. 1200/1200

e. 300/300

4. Thomas W. experiences a sharp pain in his upper right abdo-men after eating a high-fat meal. Also, he has noted that his feces are grayish-white instead of brown. What is the most likely cause of his symptoms? Explain why each of these symtoms occurs with this condition.

5. The number of immune cells in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) housed in the mucosa is estimated to be equal to the total number of these defense cells in the rest of the body. Speculate on the adaptive significance of this extensive defense capability of the digestive system.

6. Maria A., who is in her second month of gestation, has been experiencing severe abdominal cramping. Her physician has diagnosed her condition as a tubal pregnancy: The developing embryo is implanted in the oviduct instead of in the uterine endometrium. Why must this pregnancy be surgically terminated?

Reference no: EM133484907

Questions Cloud

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