How will the realities presented in the megacities

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Reference no: EM133733927

Question: How will the realities presented in the Megacities video impact the criminal justice system (especially police) in the US as we look at our megacities (NYC, LA, Houston, Seattle, Atlanta, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Chicago, Portland, etc.)? How have the recent civil unrests, protests, and COVID panic and their influences on the rapid and thorough suppression of civil liberties and property rights (by both the civilly disobedient and the state) given us a window into what we will be facing in the future as diverse populations with different resources fight the state and each other for power to secure and protect their interests? Provide at least three examples from open source research. Cite the video to validate the global universality of the challenges confronted.

The rules for the text reflection assignment are as follows:

Follow directions and answer question fully and directly.

Cite your references as ([insert source], [insert page number]): For example (Mann, 39)

Proofread. Avoid run-on sentences and paragraphs.
Late submissions will neither be accepted nor accepted towards your grade.
Papers must be uploaded and submitted as .doc, .docx, or .pdf files.
You will be graded on three criteria:
quality of writing (grammar, style, and structure; make sure to proofread!);
substance of answer (answering question completely and accurately/persuasively);

Reference no: EM133733927

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