Reference no: EM132505175
Assignment: Create a 45-minute training seminar on using hip-hop/rap therapy to help child sex trafficking victims. The audience should be African American teenage girls.
Training Outline
I. Preliminary considerations
a. Title of your workshop
b. Format
c. Target Audience-
i. Size
ii. Length of time ( 1 hour)
iii. Educational/ Experience Level,
iv. Environment
v. Equipment needed (i.e overheads, projectors for PowerPoints, flip charts, chalk)
II. Write a 2 page Introduction ( Double space 12 point Font, Times New Roman) which includes :
a. the problem,
b. Prevalence- with community and nationally
c. supporting data ( graphs and tables are great, you should have at least I of each)
d. Therapeutic Models being used and Why
e. Why other models are ineffective, or are limited when dealing with urban youth.
III. Establish Objectives of the Training ( Limit to 3) List the skills and knowledge to be taught, establish suitable teaching units (i.e modules) draft expanded outline of modules
IV. Think about 2 exercises and/or activities,
V. Think about how you would process the activities?
a. What will they have learned by the exercises?
b. Give some realistic examples
c. How will the audience apply the new learning?
VI. Summary of Workshop/Training
VII. Resources
VIII. References
IX. Then write an abstract (500 words max) for Training including a brief biography
(1 paragraph)
X. How to use manual
Information regarding above question is attached below:
Attachment:- TrainingOutline.rar