Reference no: EM131175782
Assignment 1: Consent-What does It Mean in Sexual Assault Cases?
Centervale Police Officer Michael James has received a call to investigate an alleged sexual assault. He knows that there are several important issues in the investigation of sexual assaults. The same tenets of investigations apply to these cases. In addition, there are some unique aspects of these crimes that are important for the investigator to note. One of those items is the question of consent.
Submission Details:
In at least 250 words, post to the Discussion Areayour responses to the following questions:
What are some of the important points for the investigation?
How would the behavior of the investigating officer toward the victim impact the investigation? How important is it for the investigator to be fair and neutral toward the victim?
How will the age of the victim affect the investigation?
Registrants-The Effect of Investigation
The investigation in this sexual assault case results in a conviction with several penalties. One of those penalties results in registration as a sex offender. This registration with local authorities continues for the entire life of the offender.
Answer the following questions:
What do you think about the need to have those with convictions in this area register with local authorities?
Should there be a limited time as a registrant, or should the registration go on forever? Does the duration depend on the crime?
What are some of the minor offenses, and which of them should be excluded from registration?
How has the Sex Offender Registry Program impacted society? Is it worth it? Are there certain types of individuals convicted of sexual crimes who should not be mandated to register?