How will target customers see my products or service

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133595507

Problem: An organization's marketing strategy is developed in alignment with the overall business strategy. While the focus of the business strategy may vary with the individual company and the industry in which it operates, virtually all organizations strive to market themselves in ways that promote positive consumer perceptions of the business. Marketing Strategy: This should include your company's vision/mission statement and a focused marketing mix to show how your products/services will be positioned in the market. a. Mission statement: A statement that captures the organization's purpose, customer orientation, and business philosophy. b. Marketing mix: Also known as the four P's: product, price, place, promotion. A focused marketing mix is significant to the vision of how your marketing strategy(ies) will be implemented. What are my products? What is the least I can sell them for? The most I could sell them for? Pricing above competition? Below? Where are my target customers? How will target customers see my products/service? What promotional strategy(ies) will I use? Newspaper, television...?

Reference no: EM133595507

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